BHC’s Strategic Plan outlines the vision and ambition for the organisation over the next five years. The Plan was developed in consultation with our Board of Directors and team members and incorporates feedback from our residents and shareholders.

The Plan focuses on the delivery of two key Goals.
Goal 1 – Growing the supply of affordable housing
BHC has delivered 1,800 units of accommodation across Brisbane and over the next five years, we want to grow our portfolio to 3,500 homes. We know we can not do this alone and so we will be working towards new projects and development pipelines with our partners in all levels of government; seeking to facilitate opportunities for institutional investment; and collaborating with other strategic partners to bring this new supply to life. This is our number one priority, and it is the primary way that BHC makes a difference to those in need of a safe and affordable home.
Goal 2 – Supporting our communities and residents to thrive
We know that the affordable homes we develop and manage provide a critical platform for people to move forward with their lives, however we also know that many of our residents have a real need for much more than just a roof over their heads. To empower people to create the changes they want to make in their lives, they also need support and opportunities to participate in employment, training, social and community activities. Supporting our residents in these ways will also be a key focus of the Strategic Plan.
Crucial Strategic Enablers
To achieve these two key Goals, we also recognise the crucial Strategic Enablers that will enable us to succeed. As an organisation we will ensure we have the right people and culture, efficient processes and good governance ensuring financial sustainability, and strong and clear communication about what we do, both as BHC and as a sector, and why it matters.
Our Strategic Plan is supported by a series of annual Business Plans that will ensure our focus and activities keep moving us towards our objectives.