Grants Program

Directly investing in programs and supports to assist residents to achieve their life goals


A key part of BHC’s Impact Fund is our Grants Program which has been designed to assist residents experiencing financial hardship to reach towards their goals.

The following grants are being offered to BHC residents in the 2024/25 Financial year:

Bright Futures Fund
Bright Futures has funding to distribute in the form of grants to support young residents’ educational and extracurricular needs.

Kickstart Grants
Kickstart Grants are available all year round to provide support for residents experiencing financial difficulty to fund “small ticket” items that support their participation, health and housing outcomes. See more information below.


Bright Futures Fund

BHC’s Bright Futures Responsive Fund is designed to assist younger residents (under 18s) to enhance their educational outcomes, opportunities for social inclusion and general well-being.

Grants of up to $800 per applicant, per year are available to support expenses relating to:

  • Education: uniforms, school fees, book lists, after school care, school camp costs, BYO devices etc
  • Participation: extracurricular courses, social activities, hobbies, sporting fees/sporting equipment etc
  • Wellbeing: health supports (excluding medications)

Please note: Our current allocation of Bright Future 24/25 grant funds has been exhausted.

Kickstart Grants

The Kickstart Grants are available all year round to support BHC residents to fund small ticket items such as uniforms, travel cards, small household goods including white goods, as well as small projects that strengthen the communities of our residents.

Low to medium cost requests can be submitted, with each application assessed on a case-by-case basis. To be successful, applicants must clearly demonstrate:

  • genuine need
  • that the requested item/s cannot sourced from alternate funding opportunities or grants
  • how the requested item/s will support improved outcomes for the resident and / or community
  • that the cost of the item is reasonable and justified

Please note that where the application does not address the above criteria adequately or where total available funding has been expended, some applicants may be unsuccessful.

There is a limit of one successful Kickstart Grant per resident each financial year. Please speak to your Housing Manager or the Community Development Team for more information about this grant, or to apply.

More information:

For further information on the BHC Grants program, or for assistance regarding the application process, please contact BHC’s Community Development tea via email at, telephone 3307 3000 or speak with your Housing Manager.