We are closely monitoring developments around the coronavirus and will continue to provide support and advice to our residents as the situation unfolds.
BHC Head Office Update – Changes to our working arrangements in response to COVID-19 social distancing requirements
In the interest of ensuring the health and wellbeing of BHC staff, residents and suppliers, BHC’s Head Office is now closed and staff are working remotely.
Should you need to contact us during this time, please do so using the following methods:
- Telephone 3307 3000 and leave a message
- Email reception@bhcl.com.au
Please be assured that continuity of service to our residents is our highest priority during this time. We are constantly monitoring all messages and emails and will respond to your enquiry as quickly as possible.
Stay up to date with the latest information about COVID-19 and your housing service, visit our dedicated page for Coronavirus Updates and follow us on Facebook at BHC Creating Liveable Communities.
Thank you for your assistance and understanding with this important matter.