Tony and Judy’s Story

Eleven years ago, Tony met his now wife – Judy when he was working in China and enjoying his favourite pastime, ballroom dancing. It turns out it would be the first of many dances together to come.

Stepping into their Newstead home, you feel a real sense of home. The walls are decorated with their artwork and their balcony is overflowing with plants and potted flowers. They take immense pride in where they live and have created a home they both love and feel very proud of.  Tony is never shy about boasting about the many talents of his wife, including her artistic endeavours, he says, “We both enjoy painting, Judy has the talent, I just throw the paint on the canvas and cross my fingers something moderately decent comes up.”

Tony and Judy love their community and regularly take part in programs and community groups at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre. They also give back to the Centre through Judy’s talents, offering face painting in New Farm Park where the proceeds are donated to the Centre to support the incredible work they do in the local community.

They enjoy the simple things in life and relish living in the present.

“We have something money can’t buy. We are extremely happy and living here is one of the reasons why we are so happy – in this lovely home.”
