99-101 Glenalva Terrace, Enoggera
In partnership with the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors and the Department of Housing and Public Works, this development (now in construction) will deliver 10 Gold Standard “Livable Housing Design” one bedroom units for people living with a disability, under the Elderly Parent Carer Innovation Initiative (EPCII). Expected completion date of this development will be late 2018.
This project is being developed for people who are:
- 25 years of age or over
- Identifies as having a disability
- Currently lives at the family home with elderly parents
- Ready to live independently
If this sounds like you or someone you know, then we highly encourage that you get in contact with us today to learn more about this exciting development.
To find out more about the Glenalva Terrace development or to make an application, contact:
Allocations Team
Phone: 3307 3000
Email: allocationsteam@bhcl.com.au
For more information about the EPCII scheme, please visit this website: